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May 1, 2023 will be written down in the annals of time.

Please listen carefully to the words I say! If we are to be successful in keeping Missouri families together, the public must step up and offer assistance. We have a responsibility to protect the children. I was charged with a FELONY for tampering with a judge in Missouri's St. Louis County as retaliation for exposing the Kids 4 Ca$h Tragedy. If the Prosecutors are successful, we will never be able to safeguard current or future generations of children from rape, torture, and murder. February marked two years since I last saw my daughter. There is no explanation for why so many people were willing to resort to such extreme measures in order to take D. Love and keep her away from me. The dishonorable Judge Nicole Zellweger violated our rights when she used her position of authority to force D. Love to return to her abusive father. D. Love stood up in the face of abuse and resisted being kept silent. She was left in the courtroom alone with a dozen police officers, the judge, and her abuser after I was arrested as a result of her refusal.

My daughter insisted, though, that she would not go back to Montana with her father. She questioned the judge in front of the court: "How are you going to send me to a child molester?" She was thus admitted to the psychiatric care unit of St. Louis Children's Hospital. A few weeks later, the hospital gave her back to a third party, who took her to Arizona. After 30 days, she was sent to Wyoming. She called home before they transported her to let me know they were taking her somewhere I didn't know. It was D. Love's final day calling home.

In Wyoming, she attended the troubled teen program run by Trinity Teen Solutions. Putting her in such a situation was all for the purpose of severely hurting D. Love's mental health. They are facing a class action lawsuit for allegedly engaging in child labor and child trafficking. The complaint was brought prior to her placement there. In his testimony, her father said he was aware of the litigation but still believed it to be the proper choice given the circumstances. After the trial, her father was granted sole physical and legal custody of her. I've given everything I've got to her defense and raising awareness of the Family Court's corruption. As soon as I started navigating through this experience, I started recording everything. All of this was made public, giving them a reason to declare war on me and accuse me of tampering with court authority. I could spend up to 7 years in prison if found guilty of this offense.

For the past 4 years, I've been gathering proof of their misdeeds. I am aghast that the authorities haven't helped me "push up daisies" given the tangible evidence I have of the attorneys, judges, and police officers' systemic exploitation of Missouri's children as well as their atrocities against humanity.

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